Monday, 10 May 2010

Egyptian Day 2010

On Tuesday 23rd March 2010 as part of their work on Ancient Egypt, Year 5 spent the whole day sampling life as it might have been 3000 years ago.

For a number of weeks, as part of their homework, the children were asked to design and make their own head-dresses and collars to wear on the day.

Everyone made a tremendous effort and some examples are shown here.

The day itself began with Ancient Egyptian related
numeracy and literacy and ended with a
'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?' quiz.
Unfortunately no-one managed to win the £1m prize!

Later in the morning we were visited by The Freshwater Theatre Company who entertained us with their production about Egyptian life.

After lunch the children were gathered in the hall to parade their head-dresses and collars.Their efforts were magnificent and they can all be seen in the class photos below. 5v on the left and 5B on the right.

After the parade the children were gathered in the hall to feast 'Egyptian style'. They were tempted with figs and dates, various cheeses, houmous and taramasalata, various fresh vegetables and a selection of breads.
There were copious amounts of water and juice to wash down all the delicious food. In their recounts alot of children commented on how much they enjoyed trying new foods- even if they did not like them all!

To finish the day we had a parade of the children in their costumes. Prizes were awarded for originality and effort and the winning childen can be seen here. They look magnificent!